🥇 The differences between first-time and seasoned founders

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The differences between first-time founders and more seasoned entrepreneurs are enormous. I prefer working with more seasoned entrepreneurs since they move quickly, delegate better, and know their flaws. On the other hand, there's more to teach and learn to first-time founders. The most common pitfalls for first-time founders are waiting too long to launch an actual public product, raising too much capital, or hiring people who don’t fit in the stage where they are with their business.

First, let's talk about that itch to perfect everything before launch. I get it. You want your baby to be flawless when it meets the eye of the public. But here's the thing: perfection is the enemy of progress. Do you know what seasoned entrepreneurs understand best? That MVP (Minimum Viable Product) isn't just a buzzword—it's a lifeline.

Picture this: You're working on your groundbreaking app for months, tweaking every pixel and rewriting every line of code. Meanwhile, your competitor launches a bare-bones version, gets honest user feedback, and iterates rapidly. By the time you're "ready," they're already on version 3.0 with a loyal user base paying a monthly fee. Ouch, right?

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