Build for the baby boomers

the biggest underserved market

👋 Hi all,

Another week, another letter. Number 30(!) already, a nice milestone. I’ve been thinking a lot about today’s topic and believe they will become a more prominent part of society amongst entrepreneurs: the lovely baby boomers.

Furthermore, it is the only calendar app you will ever need and want to use, and why managing up in every organization will get you promoted (or fired).



Join readers from top-notch startups and investors behind these unicorns


  • Build for the baby boomers: the biggest underserved market

  • Bas’s bookmarks: What I liked, learned, and loved this week

  • Tweet of the day: this made me think 

Issue #30

Most tech startups, entrepreneurs, and things happening on the internet focus on the younger generations. This shocks me since I think there’s a golden opportunity for the baby boomer generation.

Let's dive into an often overlooked but goldmine demographic in the entrepreneurial world: the Baby Boomer generation. Born between 1946 and 1964, this group is like a hidden treasure trove for founders and business innovators. Why? Simple: time and money. As they retire, Boomers aren't just chilling in rocking chairs. They're active, tech-savvy (more than we give them credit for), and have the financial muscle to back their interests.

First off, let's shatter a myth. Boomers and tech? They're more than just casual acquaintances. We're talking about a generation that's seen the birth of the internet, mobile tech, and social media. They might not be TikTok-ing all day, but they're online (Facebook), shopping(Etsy), socializing(golf), and, yes, even gaming(apps).

So, what does this mean for us as entrepreneurs, creatives, and makers, especially in the tech space? Huge opportunities. Think simplified tech solutions. Not dumbed-down, but intuitive. User-friendly health tech gadgets, smart home devices, or educational platforms for lifelong learners. They've got the time and curiosity for it. There needs to be more in the market for products that bridge tech and ease of use, tailored towards the needs of this generation.

Let's talk about their social activities. The Boomer generation is redefining retirement. They're out and about, looking for experiences, not just possessions. Travel, weekly dining, art classes, golf – if it's enriching, they're into it. This is where businesses can tap into service-based models. Think bespoke travel agencies, curated experience platforms, or even local event organizations.

Another aspect to consider is health and wellness. Boomers are more health-conscious than ever before. They're looking for ways to stay fit, eat healthily, and maintain an active lifestyle. This opens doors for health-focused apps, nutritious meal delivery services, and virtual fitness coaching. The key? Make it accessible and relatable.

Finally, let's talk money. Boomers are sitting on the majority of disposable income. They're investors, donors, and big-time consumers. They're looking to spend, but on things that matter to them.

I bet more and more businesses will be built for the boomers. Their market is wildly underserved, but they have the two most desired assets in the world: time and money.



 The skill that gets you fired or promoted 🆙
I have shared articles like this before, but it’s been something that gets me reading all this stuff. This quote from the article grabbed my attention, and maybe yours too: “Some of us get in trouble more often than not because we like saying “on it, boss” a little too fast. We want an advance on this recognition and pay the bill later.”

 The best calendar app out there 📆
Since Microsoft acquired Sunrise years ago and shut it down, I have been searching for an equal calendar experience. I’m a bit late to the (tech) party, but I’ve found myself a new favorite: Amie 🧚‍♀️, hands down the best on the web and mobile.


Thanks for retaking the time this week. If you appreciate my thoughts, please share this newsletter with your peers and share your feedback via the comments or hit the reply button; I answer all my emails 📬

Join readers from top-notch startups and investors behind these unicorns